Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 19

What did I do today?
I had lots of stress from feeling overwhelmed by all I have to do and still be unsure how to get it all done. (If I really break it down, I know it's doable, but in the moment, I freak out.)
I also had some stress regarding my calling and how that's going. It's hard to work with other people sometimes, but I want to have a good attitude and do what I can even if I can't change anyone else.
Ross worked really hard on more mudding in the family room today. I so appreciate that. He also worked on the yard. He's a good man that way.
I did lots of laundry just because we really needed our lights and darks washed. Woo-hoo for me! Or something.
We also got some shopping done despite our low funds. Changes in our finances are so necessary!!!
Tomorrow is the Sabbath so I am hoping to get some good spiritual goals worked on. Sunday is so nice to have that renewal for the week. :o)