Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 6

Old habits die hard. Not my original thought, but applicable. We spent most of the day out of town as it is the Sabbath and we were in Great Falls for the blessing of my new nephew. So no, I didn't clean my kitchen today. It's waiting as always for me.
I did, however, read FlyLady stuff again and tried to feel a little more inspired by what it says there. So many of the things on that website really do simplify cleaning and organizing and are worth doing because they are not overwhelming things.
As soon as I'm done with this post I'm going to send a note to my sister-in-law Charity about exercising. She chatted with me a while ago, giving me the "You're 30 now" speech, as she called it. Not sure what she can tell me, but I do know she said she in better shape now than before and writing to her for a little advice will make me at least feel like I'm keeping exercise on my mind. (Yes, I do realize just thinking about it does my body no good!)
My spiritual life still needs a lot of help. The thought occurred to me today that I could possibly do this year what I should have done four years ago. President Hinckley challenged the church members at about the end of August to read the Book of Mormon before the years end. We had had a lot of craziness and trials going on that summer and Ross and I excused ourselves from that challenge. It's easy to make excuses. But because I've wanted to read the Book of Mormon as an individual, I thought this might be a good way to do it. Maybe not. Maybe I should take my time and study it more, but we'll see. I think I'll feel like I've truly accomplished something for myself either way.
Tomorrow I am going to make sure I get the blessing I've been needing for this process of change.
Time to stop feeling so lazy...