Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 29

I talked to Ross today about rearranging the office. I know I keep talking about cleaning it getting it ready to do that, but I hadn't actually spoken to my husband about it until tonight. I think I've been a little afraid he'd just say there was NO way we could successfully rearrange in her because the space is so small. However, he was up for it and I'm am going to clear out and clean up what I can so we can get this place set up and get the treadmill out of the walkway in my bedroom!
I had a couple of good chats with my sister today. It's great to be at a stage where we're truly close. Our age difference has always been enough that we have been in different places most of our lives. We still are in many ways, but the married with kids thing is the same and its great to pick up the phone and chat. Love that Wendy.
We are also helping each other feel better about what we do as moms. We found out we'd read the same article in the Ensign talking about the lies that Satan has us believe about ourselves and the truths from the gospel that we need to replace them with. Good to hear.