Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 4

Okay. Wow, am I not doing so well. Still no exercise. I'm going to have to just drag the treadmill out myself. Ross and I did look at exercise mats at Target again trying to decide if it is worth the money. He did point out that a lot of the exercises done on the 30 Day Shred dvd aren't actually done on the mat, so that helps. If I can get myself out of bed to do it that will be huge.
Forgot again last night to read scriptures on my own. I did take the family Book of Mormon into my sleeping Samantha tonight when we got back from our date and read one verse to her (fluttering eyes count as awake, right?).
We got the kids rooms picked up for the babysitter to come tonight. That is really a big thing. Mostly the upstairs is clean as we head into the weekend and that is a rarity for us.
I also read something on the FlyLady website like I think I was supposed to do today.
Productive weekend to come!