Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It begins...

And now for my disjointed thoughts:

Working hard or hardly working? I fall into the latter category so much more often than I want to. I can see the ways to help make my life better, but I'm always just thinking about them, telling myself I need to do this or that. My husband and I do that a lot with each other as well in things we both want to work on.

I want to take action now. I want to do and not just dream. The blessings and peace I'm seeking are there for the taking and I'm ready take them! Is that cheesy sounding enough for you?!

I'm blessed enough to have seen myself establish some habits, but those have been mostly for the benefit of the whole family. Today we celebrate one year of reading scriptures as a family and we've also had Family Home Evening for every week so far this year. It really does make me happy to see those accomplishments!

However, like most women, I have a tendency to overwhelm myself with the mountain of things I want to get done and be. I'm hoping that writing down what I'm doing and what I have done on a daily basis (and maybe by saying daily I am once again expecting too much of myself) that I can at least try and be accountable to myself and maybe track my progress. Perhaps I should have 3 separate blogs for exercising, cleaning my house, and working on my own spirituality and just pick one to work on for now, but then again 3 blogs to fuss over could just make things more complicated!

I guess I feel like all these things go hand in hand somehow in making me a better me. Just like me doing good things for myself will affect my marriage and family. My desire is to establish the habits and achieve the goals for myself that I can pass on to my family.

I've worried a lot about keeping my house clean and the fact that I don't do it. It just continually occurs to me that I can't just find a self-help program and follow it and truly find the most success and happiness possible if I'm not going to the Lord for help. And when I go to the Lord for help I know he expects me to do my part in keeping His commandments so that I can receive the blessing he wants to give me. It only makes sense then to take care of myself physically as well as spiritually, so I know I want to add the exercise into this too.

My rambling is really just for me and may not make sense to anyone else right now. I'm hoping that how I record things improves, but if it doesn't, oh well. My basic point is that I'm asking my Heavenly Father for help in developing my relationship with Him and that that will spill over in my efforts to organize my house and take care of my body. Or something like that...

So here I go!