Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 1

Obviously, I'm going to need to do this earlier in the evening if I'm going to make any good changes. It's really late right now and going to bed at a good time will help me get up and going in the morning so I can exercise and do all these fabulous things I want to! So I'll put that on the list. GO TO BE EARLY. Got it. And now I move on.
Baby steps today. I spent a lot of time setting this blog up, but at least now I can just tweak it and it won't be so time consuming. Other than that during the day all my current bad habits continued. The biggest thing to work on in the day will probably be my house, I guess, and today I just did laundry sporadically because the kids are so out of clean clothes. I'm hoping to get up early to exercise and read scriptures either early morning or after the kids are in bed. I'll have to figure out what works best.
My tiny little effort in exercising was just to print out the "You are 30 now" speech Charity gave me in a chat. Silly, but I'm looking for inspiration anywhere I can get it.
I read the very first introduction page in the Book of Mormon. Not much, but I started! It will feel great to get through all the standard works someday.
As for my house, I stacked my dishes and cleaned and wiped out my kitchen sink. Ross was sweet enough to start the dishwasher and I am glad for his help.
The biggest thing I need from him now is a blessing to be able to continue in my efforts. Nice to have him around for that. ;o)