Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 9

Let's see...
What did I do today? Ross made a deal with Logan that they could play video games if the living room was clean, so I headed that up with the kids tonight. I was so glad that they were so obedient!!! Granted, I promised brownies when the room was clean, but I've tried that tactic before and it doesn't usually work. Samantha cried at me at first for a few minutes, but I laid down the law, promised the brownies, and they kids did a great job. So even though I didn't work on the kitchen (AGAIN!!!) like I should have, I had a little triumph today teaching the kids to clean. Even Lukey helped. Now I can tell them they have to go "brownie fast" or something like that...
Still not a lot of headway in other areas. Sigh...
I'm going to be positive and say that tomorrow REALLY IS THE DAY!!!!
(Even if I don't get everything done....)