Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 23

Crazy that I had 6 kids here, all ages 5 and under, for 2 1/2 hours and I actually got come cleaning done! I decided it was because they all had someone to play with. Nothing is done still, but I did clean and that's good.
My problem is still feeling too lazy to want to really do anything productive if I don't have to. It's frustrating and pathetic. I'd rather snooze on the couch or read a book or mindlessly surf the web. I'm beating up on myself somewhat, I realize, but the need for change is still so THERE.
I talked to Ross again tonight about purchasing the stuff of FlyLady. He's for it, but I'm going to wait a few days to make sure we have money to cover it. Not that I think we don't, but it would be nice to have a little more padding in the account than there currently is. Look forward to having the stuff and pray that I put it to good use!