Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 44

My attempts at routine have been less than stellar. Mostly my routine is still just a scatterbrained mess, but I am grateful when I at least feel like I accomplish something. Today was that kind of day.
Samantha and I got off to a slow start, thanks again to Rebecca waking up in the middle of the night. (Only this time I just couldn't get back to sleep on my own rather than her being awake with me.) I got Samantha ready and out the door with Ross, ate breakfast and started in on my normal "morning computer time" for a while. I decided to exercise and by about 9:20 I was finally ready to walk on my treadmill for about 35 minutes. I felt like I worked pretty hard, but I am sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. More so, however, I think I'll be feeling my 30 Day Shred workout. I just did it with my 3 little kids there with me. It was a little difficult and I accidently thwacked Luke with my arm while swinging it around like a windmill, but that was the biggest problem and I felt good that I'd done it.
I also spent a lot of time this afternoon and evening making the picture schedule for Samantha. I only have the bedtime routine done, but it's looking good and I hope and pray it will help. I still have 3 more to make after I finish hers, but oh well. I'm excited to try them out.
I'll be even happier when I can work my life into the good habits and routines that I desire, but I'm feeling like the Lord helped me out a lot today and that I am taking steps in the right direction!