Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 41 and Day 40 because I forgot again...

Yesterday went fine. Ross let me exercise and that helped. It hurt more than the day before, but I pushed through it and that felt good. I let him work on the closet for a little over an hour and then we went to Caleb's baptism, cookies and sandwiches afterward, and then grocery shopping.
Today was a good day too. It was Fast Sunday and we had a really good meeting. Lots of people getting up. I even did, although it was a race with other people. Luke followed me up and that made for an adventure, but oh well.
Ross helped me clean the kitchen tonight. It was funny how we got into a little tiff over it at first, but he really did help me to be able to face the day tomorrow with a little more bravery.
I am unfortunately up too late again tonight, but I'll make up for it tomorrow. I hope...