Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 32

I did a lot of cleaning today. Is my house completely clean? Of course not. I'm too far under for that to happen in just one day. I had some kids from the ward coming over and so I worked on the bathroom and the girls' room and I straightened the living room. I also worked on the kitchen, but it still looked awful when the dad of the kids showed up and had to wait for the kids to finish eating snack at my dining table. Ta-da! There was my mess! Oh well. That's why I'm trying to change my habits. I am happy with myself for getting the cleaning done that I did.
On another happy note, I got my FlyLady Control Journal in the mail today. I am excited to look it over and get going on it as I work through the baby steps.
Tomorrow is the start of General Conference. I hope we can get a lot out of it and still get a few other things done!