Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 36

It is so hard to make changes! I still need to do a few things for Day 6 of my FlyLady Baby Steps and here it is -- after 10 PM!
Exercising is still a need that's not happening. I need to go to bed in the next few minutes so that I can get up and do it. I'm tired of being fat and tired!
The things that I am feeling good about tonight are that Ross and I took the time to watch Elder Bednar's conference talk tonight. He talked about being "more diligent and concerned at home." He suggested 3 things to help that.
1. Express love and show it.
2. Bear testimony and live it.
3. Be consistent.

We felt good that our Family Home Evenings and family scripture study have been consistent and understood that because of that our kids are learning more than we think. :o)

Also tonight Ross helped me to look into making money online by taking surveys. I signed up for one program and hope it works! It should. I plan on looking into more tomorrow. ANYTHING that brings in a little more money will be great!